الخميس، 29 أبريل 2010

Healing with Design An Educational Approach by Chase A. Rogers

This presentation was really good and successful because it is very relate to our field “ graphic design”. It is very important to know the main element of the design that makes the design work better and have impact on our bodies. Color, sound, light and image have different impact on our emotions, body and soul and it plays a major role in setting up a particular mood or state of mind and emotions as well. It can really affect people if they know how to use it or how to get benefit from.

From my point of view, sound and light can had that effect on the person weather this effect is positive or negative. For example: if you go to a spa center they always put on that kind of alternative music, with soft lights that you can feel relax and comfortable. Also, it can effect you body reactions like you hear it without feeling you are going to close your eyes or sleep as a result of listening to that kind of music. Furthermore, the kind of lighting that in the spa centers makes you feel more luxurious and make the person less stressed or nervous. That is why most of the people who want to get red of the stress is recommended to go to the spa centers.

Finally, all kind of art elements “sound, light, color or image” can obviously affect our body’s emotions and can affect us as a designer in our designs. Therefore, designer must take these elements into considerations and research about it more then apply it.




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